56 Day

Nightly MoonBrew Ritual for Sleep Improvement

STUDY TITLE Nightly MoonBrew Ritual for Sleep Improvement
Submitted under umbrella

Minimal Risk Citizen Science Umbrella Protocol

Date submitted


End date

There is no pre-specified end date and sub-studies remain open long-term.



Efforia AI IRB approval recommendation

Recruitment page preview


Author edit


Informed consent


Study author

Matthew Amsden

Principal investigator

Matthew Amsden

Sub-Investigator for Adverse Events

Dr. Viral Patel


Participants will engage in a nightly ritual where they consume a serving of MoonBrew 30 minutes before bedtime. This intervention aims to enhance sleep quality through the natural ingredients formulated in MoonBrew that support deep and restful sleep.

Participant engagement length

56 Days


This study is made possible by your payment to cover all supplies and expenses required to participate.

Cost to participant


Included products & services
MoonBrew – 30 Servings: $48
Apple Watch: $0
Adam Sensor – Nocturnal Erection Tracker: $149
Outcome measures

PROMIS Sleep Disturbance Scale

Apple Watch Sleep Tracking

Adam Sensor: Nocturnal Penile Tumescence


Single Arm longitudinal where participants act as their own control

Basic or advanced dissemination plan


Deviation from recruitment approach


Deviation from statistical approach


Will study include “more about you questions”


Recruitment jurisdictions

United States, United Kingdom



Committment to list findings on clinicaltrials.Gov


This document is prepared with the assistance of AI, but is reviewed by a human.

Rational & Study Design

Why I created this challenge:

The Nightly MoonBrew Ritual for Sleep Improvement is designed to address the significant issue of sleep disturbances among adults in the U.S. Academic research and social media alike highlight the pervasive struggles with sleep and the quest for natural solutions. Studies suggest potential benefits of certain natural ingredients in enhancing sleep quality, yet robust evidence remains scant. This challenge seeks to scientifically validate the efficacy of MoonBrew in improving sleep, leveraging both state-of-the-art technology and traditional wisdom. It's crucial to offer evidence-based, natural interventions for better sleep health.

My Objective for You:

My goal is to empower you to significantly enhance your sleep quality through a structured and enjoyable ritual. By participating in this challenge, you will not only contribute to important scientific research but also experience firsthand the potential benefits of MoonBrew on your sleep patterns.

Aims & Objectives:

This challenge aims to rigorously assess the impact of the nightly consumption of MoonBrew on sleep quality using validated tools and advanced tracking technologies. Our objective is to determine whether this ritual can lead to measurable improvements in sleep metrics including duration, efficiency, and satisfaction.

Significance & Impact:

By participating in the Nightly MoonBrew Ritual for Sleep Improvement, you are at the frontier of exploring a potentially transformative solution for sleep disturbances. The findings could pave the way for new, natural sleep aids supported by empirical data, offering a significant contribution to sleep medicine. While we anticipate revealing important insights, the limitation lies in the variability of individual sleep patterns and external influences that might affect outcomes.

The Intervention

Included Products & Services

Product Name: MoonBrew – 30 Servings

Quantity included: 1

Price: $48.00

Product Description: A calming and soothing blend of adaptogens with Chamomile, Rose, and Magnesium to help you catch the ZzZ's and stay asleep. Sleep tight and wake up refreshed.  - 30 Servings of MoonBrew

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Product Name: Apple Watch

Quantity included: 0

Price: $0.00

Product Description: Efforia can pull in data from your existing Apple Watch such as sleep and activity data. Please see other retailers to purchase a device if you do not have one.

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Product Name: Adam Sensor – Nocturnal Erection Tracker

Quantity included: 0

Price: $149.00

Product Description: You monitor your steps, calories, and even your credit score. Now, it's time to keep an eye on something crucial for many—your manhood's health. The Adam Sensor offers advanced technology to track erection health and gives you a chance to join leading studies in male wellness, uncovering new insights.

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Study Design & Methodology

Inappropriate Participants & Inclusion/Exclusion

Study Design & Experience

Statistical Analysis Plan

Limitations & Justification

Human Subjects Ethics

Suitability Under Minimal Risk Umbrella Protocol

Suitability for Pay to Participate Model

Human Subjects Protection Questionnaire



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