365 Day

Epigenetic Age Management Through Mindfulness Meditation

STUDY TITLE Epigenetic Age Management Through Mindfulness Meditation
Submitted under umbrella

Minimal Risk Citizen Science Umbrella Protocol

Date submitted


End date

There is no pre-specified end date and sub-studies remain open long-term.



Efforia AI IRB approval recommendation

Recruitment page preview


Author edit


Informed consent


Study author

Principal investigator

Matthew Amsden

Sub-Investigator for Adverse Events

Dr. Viral Patel


This intervention focuses on a one-year structured mindfulness meditation program. Participants will engage in daily guided meditation and 30 minutes of structured breathwork each morning upon waking. The objective is to observe and track changes to participants' epigenetic age over the duration of the program.

Participant engagement length

365 Days


This study is made possible by your payment to cover all supplies and expenses required to participate.

Cost to participant


Included products & services
: $0
Outcome measures

TruAge Complete Epigenetic Age Test Survey

Quality of Life and Health Survey


Single Arm longitudinal where participants act as their own control

Basic or advanced dissemination plan


Deviation from recruitment approach


Deviation from statistical approach


Will study include “more about you questions”


Recruitment jurisdictions

United States, United Kingdom



Committment to list findings on clinicaltrials.Gov


This document is prepared with the assistance of AI, but is reviewed by a human.

Rational & Study Design

Why I created this challenge:

As a seasoned meditator, I've experienced firsthand the profound transformation mindfulness can bring. Research shows that mindfulness meditation can reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and even slow biological aging. Yet, social media is rife with skepticism and unsubstantiated claims. Combining rigorous scientific measures with the widespread popularity of social media challenges, this study will provide unique insights into the impact of mindfulness on our epigenetic age. It's time to bridge the gap between science and popular belief, and truly understand the power of the mind on our biological aging process.

My Objective for You:

Your goal is simple: meditate daily for a year, engage in structured breathwork, and track your progress using the TruAge Complete Epigenetic Age Test. Together, we'll explore the possibility that mindfulness can not only enhance your quality of life but also slow down your biological aging process. Let's uncover the truth behind the claims and make a lasting impact on your life!

Aims & Objectives:

The aim of this challenge is two-fold: to engage participants in a committed, year-long mindfulness meditation practice, and to examine the impact of this practice on their epigenetic age. The ultimate objective is to validate or debunk popular claims about the anti-aging effects of mindfulness.

Significance & Impact:

The potential implications of this challenge are immense. If we can scientifically demonstrate that mindfulness meditation slows biological aging, we could revolutionize how we approach health and longevity. However, as with all research, there may be limitations, including individual genetic variability and lifestyle factors. Nonetheless, the results could shift our understanding of aging and inspire new wellness practices. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

The Intervention

Included Products & Services

Product Name:

Quantity included:

Price: $0.00

Product Description:

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Study Design & Methodology

Inappropriate Participants & Inclusion/Exclusion

Study Design & Experience

Statistical Analysis Plan

Limitations & Justification

Human Subjects Ethics

Suitability Under Minimal Risk Umbrella Protocol

Suitability for Pay to Participate Model

Human Subjects Protection Questionnaire



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