180 Day

Optimizing Athletic Recovery with IonLayer NAD+ Patches

STUDY TITLE Optimizing Athletic Recovery with IonLayer NAD+ Patches
Submitted under umbrella

Minimal Risk Citizen Science Umbrella Protocol

Date submitted


End date

There is no pre-specified end date and sub-studies remain open long-term.



Efforia AI IRB approval recommendation

Recruitment page preview


Author edit


Informed consent


Study author

Principal investigator

Matthew Amsden

Sub-Investigator for Adverse Events

Dr. Viral Patel


This protocol aims to investigate the impact of consistent IonLayer NAD+ Patch use on athletic recovery and fatigue over six months. It focuses on self-reported measures, emphasizing improvements in sleep and reduced fatigue levels. This protocol does not include products for tracking or reviewing progress.

Participant engagement length

180 Days


This study is made possible by your payment to cover all supplies and expenses required to participate.

Cost to participant


Included products & services
IonLayer | Unlock Your Mitochondrial Health with NAD+ Patches: $699
: $0
TruDiagnostic NAD+ Test: $305
Outcome measures

Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ)

Hooper & MacKinnon Questionnaire (Hopper Index)

TruDiagnostic and NADMED Intracellular NAD+/NADH Test


Single Arm longitudinal where participants act as their own control

Basic or advanced dissemination plan


Deviation from recruitment approach


Deviation from statistical approach


Will study include “more about you questions”


Recruitment jurisdictions

United States, United Kingdom



Committment to list findings on clinicaltrials.Gov


This document is prepared with the assistance of AI, but is reviewed by a human.

Rational & Study Design

Why I created this challenge:

Athletic recovery is critical, and sleep plays a pivotal role. Research suggests that NAD+ may enhance sleep quality and reduce fatigue, improving athletic recovery. On social media, athletes claim that NAD+ patches have been a game-changer for them. However, there's a lack of empirical evidence supporting these claims. Hence, the need to investigate IonLayer NAD+ patches' impact on sleep and fatigue in athletes. This study is crucial to validate or debunk the social media chatter and bring clarity to the athletic community.

My Objective for You:

The aim here is straightforward. We want to assess if consistent use of IonLayer NAD+ patches over six months can improve your sleep quality and reduce fatigue, thereby optimizing your athletic recovery. And we're not just going by word of mouth or social media posts. We'll use scientific tools like the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire and Hooper & MacKinnon Questionnaire to track your progress.

Aims & Objectives:

This challenge is two-fold. First, we aim to evaluate the effect of IonLayer NAD+ patches on sleep quality in athletes, using the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire. Second, we aim to assess fatigue levels using the Hooper & MacKinnon Questionnaire.

Significance & Impact:

This challenge could potentially change the game for athletes worldwide. If IonLayer NAD+ patches truly improve sleep and reduce fatigue, it can revolutionize athletic recovery protocols. However, like all scientific endeavors, this one too has its limitations. While we're using reliable questionnaires to measure sleep and fatigue, these are still self-reported measures and can be subjective. Nonetheless, the findings from this study will contribute significantly to our understanding of NAD+ patches' role in athletic recovery.

The Intervention

Included Products & Services

Product Name: IonLayer | Unlock Your Mitochondrial Health with NAD+ Patches

Quantity included: 6

Price: $699.00

Product Description: IonLayer NAD+ Patches offer an innovative, transdermal method to enhance cellular health and energy. These easy-to-apply patches deliver NAD+ directly into the bloodstream, ensuring optimal absorption. Each patch provides a steady dose over 24 hours, supporting metabolism and DNA repair. Ideal for anyone seeking vitality and anti-aging benefits, they're a convenient, non-invasive way to maintain NAD+ levels.

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Product Name:

Quantity included:

Price: $0.00

Product Description:

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Product Name: TruDiagnostic NAD+ Test

Quantity included: 2

Price: $305.00

Product Description: Introducing the Q-NADMED Blood Kit by TruDiagnostic and NADMED, a groundbreaking NAD+ diagnostic tool This CE-marked kit, exclusive in its accuracy and methodology, is pivotal in assessing NAD+/NADH levels, crucial markers linked to aging, immune function, metabolic diseases, neurodegeneration, and heart health. Simplified and robust, it offers precise quantitative analysis from small blood samples.

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Study Design & Methodology

Inappropriate Participants & Inclusion/Exclusion

Study Design & Experience

Statistical Analysis Plan

Limitations & Justification

Human Subjects Ethics

Suitability Under Minimal Risk Umbrella Protocol

Suitability for Pay to Participate Model

Human Subjects Protection Questionnaire



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