60 Day

Daily Creatine Consumption for Muscle Growth

STUDY TITLE Daily Creatine Consumption for Muscle Growth
Submitted under umbrella

Minimal Risk Citizen Science Umbrella Protocol

Date submitted


End date

There is no pre-specified end date and sub-studies remain open long-term.



Efforia AI IRB approval recommendation

Recruitment page preview


Author edit


Informed consent


Study author

Principal investigator

Matthew Amsden

Sub-Investigator for Adverse Events

Dr. Viral Patel


This protocol involves daily consumption of creatine to support muscle growth and improve strength. Participants will take a recommended dose of creatine each day. The treatment aims to enhance muscle mass and strength through consistent supplementation.

Participant engagement length

60 Days


This study is made possible by your payment to cover all supplies and expenses required to participate.

Cost to participant


Included products & services
Test Product Creatine: $0
Inflammation Blood Test: $137
Standard Semen Analysis: $295
Outcome measures

Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Survey

PROMIS Physical Function – Short Form 10a Survey

Inflammation Blood Test


Single Arm longitudinal where participants act as their own control

Basic or advanced dissemination plan


Deviation from recruitment approach


Deviation from statistical approach


Will study include “more about you questions”


Recruitment jurisdictions

United States, United Kingdom



Committment to list findings on clinicaltrials.Gov


This document is prepared with the assistance of AI, but is reviewed by a human.

Rational & Study Design

Why I created this challenge:

Creatine is one of the most researched supplements for muscle growth and strength enhancement. Numerous studies have demonstrated its efficacy in increasing muscle mass, improving performance, and reducing fatigue. Social media is abuzz with testimonials and folklore about its seemingly magical effects. However, despite the chatter, there are still gaps in understanding its impact on overall health metrics like inflammation and physical function. This challenge aims to provide concrete data on creatine's benefits and limitations by assessing Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), PROMIS Physical Function, and inflammation biomarkers. Running this study is crucial to validate these claims and provide a comprehensive understanding of creatine's impact on muscle growth and strength.

My Objective for You:

The primary objective is to determine how daily creatine supplementation impacts muscle growth, strength, and overall physical function while also monitoring inflammation biomarkers. By participating, you'll gain insights into your own physical performance and contribute valuable data to the scientific community.

Aims & Objectives:

This challenge aims to evaluate the effectiveness of daily creatine consumption in enhancing muscle mass and strength. Additionally, it will assess changes in perceived exertion, physical function, and inflammation markers from baseline to endpoint.

Significance & Impact:

The significance of this challenge lies in its potential to validate the benefits of creatine supplementation for muscle growth and strength while also providing new insights into its effects on inflammation and physical function. Expected outcomes include improved muscle mass and strength, but limitations may include individual variability in response.

The Intervention

Included Products & Services

Product Name: Test Product Creatine

Quantity included: 30

Price: $0.00

Product Description: Description

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Product Name: Inflammation Blood Test

Quantity included: 2

Price: $137.00

Product Description: Efforia, in partnership with Tasso, introduces the "Inflammation" test, featuring Cortisol and hsCRP measurements. Our easy-to-use, shoulder-attached device gently collects a minimal blood sample non-invasively. Though a bit pricier, it's much more comfortable than conventional methods, ideal for those wary of needles. Just mail it back in the enclosed pre-paid envelope for analysis. Convenient, efficient, and pain-free.

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Product Name: Standard Semen Analysis

Quantity included: 2

Price: $295.00

Product Description: Understand your fertility with a comprehensive semen analysis that tests all key metrics of sperm health. Just like a fertility clinic, but from the comfort of your couch. The Legacy kit includes a sterile sample cup, an insulating "vault" for temperature control, transport media to preserve the sample, a tamper-proof strip for secure shipping, and free overnight delivery to the lab.

Product Image:


Product Safety:

Study Design & Methodology

Inappropriate Participants & Inclusion/Exclusion

Study Design & Experience

Statistical Analysis Plan

Limitations & Justification

Human Subjects Ethics

Suitability Under Minimal Risk Umbrella Protocol

Suitability for Pay to Participate Model

Human Subjects Protection Questionnaire



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